
Membership Information
Please download or obtain at Administration a copy of the Membership Application form.
Membership renewal notices are mailed each May. So please keep us informed of any changes to your address/telephone/email details.
Full Bowling Members
$15.00 (incl. GST) plus Affiliation Fees incl. GST (see below)
Eligible to vote at Elections and use all Club facilities.
May compete in Club Championships and have all rights in the Club.
Must complete R.N.S.W.B.A. or N.S.W.W.B.A. Inc. registration form.
Social Members
$15 joining or renewing fee
Eligible to vote at Elections on restricted matters, stand for election to the Board,
use Club facilities and may be invited to play bowls by a Bowling Member.
Bowling Members affiliation fees
Cronulla Bowls Club
Full Bowling Affiliation Fee – $135
Privacy Policy
Cronulla Bowling & Recreation Club Ltd is subject to the Privacy Act 1988. The Club has a commitment to privacy and the safeguarding of information by you. Any personal information provided by you to the Club (eg. Names, address, contact details) for the purpose of receiving marketing information other than relevant to Club membership will be protected.
The Club does not usually disclose your personal information to any other organisation or person unless there is a legal requirement to do so. This includes obligations that we have under Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Terrorism Financing legislation and in connection with our obligations relating to responsible provision of gaming services. The Club may disclose your information to third parties that provide services under contract to the Club. These contracts require the third party to keep your personal information confidential and secure.
You have a right to access any personal information that the Club may hold about you, including a right of correction of your information.
Your personal information will be used by the Club for marketing purposes to improve our services and to provide you with the latest information about those services, any new related services and promotions.
At any time that you decide you do not wish to continue receiving promotional and marketing material from our Club, please advise in writing by letter to the General Manager who will remove your contact details from our mailing lists.